The Virtual Foundation - your donation makes it happen

What can I do?

Working as an individual, you can support Virtual Foundation projects by:
  1. planning ahead and setting aside funds for a Virtual Foundation project
  2. finding a "donor partner" to share the costs of funding a Virtual Foundation project
  3. telling others about the Virtual Foundation
Working as a member of a club or an organization, you can support Virtual Foundation projects by:
  1. proposing that your organization fund a Virtual Foundation project
  2. developing a fund raising activity for your club or organization and using the proceeds to support a Virtual Foundation project
  3. offering to take the "networker" role in a Virtual Foundation project, communicating with the overseas group that your organization funds, thereby making the project come alive for your group
Working as a member of a family foundation, you can support Virtual Foundation projects by:
  1. explaining to other members of the foundation the many financial and program benefits of co-operating with the Virtual Foundation
  2. supporting a single project, start small and experiment with international grant making
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